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In the meantime we have created this resource guide below to help answer any questions you may have about electropolishing.
Electropolishing Resources
What is Electropolishing?
Electropolishing is an electrochemical and reverse plating process that removes the outer layer of skin on a metal...
The Electropolishing Process
The electropolishing process is initiated by immersing a metal part into a temperature-controlled bath of electrolyte...
How Much Material Does Electropolishing Remove?
Electropolishing, when done properly is a highly controllable process which removes as little as...
How Much Will Electropolishing Improve the Surface of my Part?
Ra and RMS are both representations of surface roughness. Ra is calculated as the roughness average of a surface’s...
What is ASTM B912?
ASTM B912 is an industry standard for the passivation of stainless steel alloys through electropolishing...
What is ASTM A967
ASTM A967 is an industry standard specification for the chemical passivation treatments for stainless...