by neelectropolis | Jun 23, 2019 | Blog, Why does stainless steel rust?
Why does stainless steel rust? The science behind stainless steel corrosion Because of its resistance to corrosion, stainless steel is widely used in industries such as semiconductor, food service, marine and medical devices. However, even the most durable metals are...
by neelectropolis | Jun 13, 2019 | Blog
Stainless Steel Electropolisher New England Electropolishing – a stainless steel electropolisher setting the standards for the stainless steel electropolishing industy. Electropolishing is the go to method for achieving stainless steel passivation, but there are many...
by neelectropolis | Mar 22, 2019 | Blog
How Much Will Electropolishing Improve the Surface Finish on My Part? Electropolishing will reduce a part’s Ra by 10 to 30% depending on the starting finish. Generally speaking, the lower the Ra or RMS is prior to electropolishing, the lower the percentage in Ra and...
by neelectropolis | Feb 26, 2019 | Blog, Stainless Steel Passivation
What’s the Difference Between Electropolishing and Passivation? Table of Contents 2 3 What’s the Difference Between Electropolishing and Passivation?Passivation vs. ElectropolishingWhat Is Passivation and How Does it Work?Passivating Stainless Steel Through...
by neelectropolis | Jan 31, 2018 | Blog
The Difference Between Electrolytic Polishing and Electropolishing for Stainless Steel Passivation In the realm of surface refinement, two powerful techniques—electrolytic polishing and electropolishing—take the spotlight. Today, let’s unravel the intricacies of...
by neelectropolis | Jan 31, 2018 | Blog, Citric Acid Passivation
Unlocking Excellence: The Top Three Benefits of Citric Acid Passivation for Stainless Steel Welcome to the world of precision surface treatment! At New England Electropolishing, we’re excited to share insights into one of our key processes: passivating stainless...